The Wallaceburg Skating Club Presents -
Skating Through the Ages. Join us on March 23 from 2:00 - 4:00 pm at the Wallaceburg Memorial Arena.
Our year end show will run from 2:00-4:00 pm and is open to the public.
Admission to the show is:
- Adults (13 & Up) - $10.00
- Children 4-12 - $5.00
- 3 & Under - Free
- Skaters participating in the show - Free
The following will available for purchase:
- Show programs - $5.00
- Carnations - $3.00
- 50/50 Tickets - $2.00 a ticket or 3 tickets for $5.00
All sales are cash only. An ATM is available on site
The Arena canteen will be open for food and drink purchases.